This is the George Gabbert Inventory
transcribed by Shirley Vildibill.
George Gabbert Inventory Appraisment 1827 April 9th _____ _____ __ _____ to be Recorded. Recorded Recorded Recorded
An appraisment and Inventory of the Estate of George Gabbert decd
One Cherry Cupboard -------------------------------- $7.00
One Poplar DO ---------------------------------------- 2.00
Furniture contained therein -------------------------- 10.00
One Folding Table & Toilett (?)------------------------- 5.00
One Candle Stand & Toilett (?)------------------------- 2.00
A Kitchen Table------------------------------------------ .75
A Looking Glass & Tea Board--------------------------- 3.00
Seven old Chairs---------------------------------------- 1.50
Steelyards, Band box, Scissors & Books----------------- 3.00
One Rifle Gun, Shot Bag & Mold------------------------ 9.00
One Coffee Mill Candlesticks & Flat Iron---------------- 2.00
Fire Dogs, Shovel & Hammer--------------------------- 1.00
One skillet & Lid---------------------------------------- 1.00
Two Pots & Hooks and one oven ??--------------------- 3.00
One Iron Kettle and Ball Mittle (?) DO------------------ 5.00
Two Pot Racks and ________--------------------------- .50
Two Pails a Churn and two Trays------------------------ 1.25
One Loom & Tacklin------------------------------------- 8.00
One pair plow gear, 3 Bags & c--------------------------- 2.00
One half Bushel-------------------------------------------- .25
Two Axes and one Wedge-------------------------------- 1.50
One Spinning Wheel & 2 Tin Cups------------------------ 1.121/2
Side Saddle and Saddle Bags------------------------------ 5.50
One Flax Wheel, Cotton Cards & K____------------------ 2.00
One hand saw & auger------------------------------------- .75
Flax hackle & wire Lifter---------------------------------- 2.00
Log Chain and two Clevises(?)----------------------------- 3.00
Umbrella & Chest------------------------------------------ 1.25
cont. $4.37 1/2
Brought Forward $4.37 1/2
One Bed, bed Stead and Furniture-------------------- $10.00
DO DO ------------------------------------------------- 4.00
DO (bed?) Stead DO------------------------------------ 9.00
Bed Furniture and Curtains----------------------------- 9.00
Pillow Cases, Towels & table cloths---------------------- 4.00
Carpet meal Bag---------------------------------------- 2.50
Crocks jug (?) and Pickling Tub--------------------------- .75
A cow, Heifer and one Sheep----------------------------- 8.00
One Horse---------------------------------------------- 25.00
151.62 1/2
The foregoing is an appraisement and Inventory of the estate of George Gabbert Dec-d. Signed; Wm Munford, Saml W Warren, F.T Taylor
I do certify that the foregoing inventory contains all the personal estate of George Gabbert deceased witch hath come to my hands Jany 24th 1827. Peter DePauw Exr.
Lincoln Count Set
William Munford, Samuel Warren Faushe T. Taylor personally appeared before me and were sworn to appraise the estate of George Gabbert this 24th Jany 1827 Signed; Peter DePauw JPLC
The items in the estate were sold for $154.95 and the receipts were distributed by November 28, 1828 and the estate closed July 13, 1829. Then, as now, it took a long time to do anything in a court